How to withdraw Ehsaas Kafalat Cash from HBL ATM step by step guide

How to withdraw Ehsaas Kafalat Cash from HBL ATM

The Ehsaas Kafalat Program is a social aid program started by the government of Pakistan to help the poorest people financially. Giving money to low-income families, orphans, and persons with disabilities is one way the program hopes to alleviate poverty.
In this piece, we will talk in-depth about the Ehsaas Kafalat Program, including its goals, requirements for eligibility, and benefits.

Objectives of the Ehsaas Kafalat Program

The goals of the Ehsaas Kafalat Initiative include the following:

  • Helping the lowest of the poor financially in order to reduce their poverty.
  • Helping low-income families satisfy their fundamental necessities by supplementing their incomes.
  • Giving women the means to support themselves is a powerful means of empowerment.
  • Opening bank accounts for recipients is a great way to promote financial inclusion.

Eligibility Criteria for the Ehsaas Kafalat Program

The goal of the Ehsaas Kafalat Program is to help the poorest people financially. People who want to join the school must meet the following requirements:

  • The person who applies must be a citizen of Pakistan.
  • The person applying must be at least 18 years old.
  • A valid CNIC must be shown by the candidate. (Computerized National Identity Card).
  • The candidate must come from a family that makes less than PKR 12,000 per month.
  • The person who wants to apply can’t work for the government.
  • The candidate can’t be getting any other help from the government.

Benefits of the Ehsaas Kafalat Program

The Ehsaas Kafalat Program gives qualified people a number of benefits, such as:

  • The aid of PKR 2,000 per month is given to eligible homes.
  • Beneficiaries are more likely to be financially included if they can open bank accounts.
  • People who qualify get free health care.
  • Vocational training and skill-building programs for qualified beneficiaries to help them become self-sufficient.

How to Apply for the Ehsaas Kafalat Program

Eligible people can apply for the Ehsaas Kafalat Program by going to the local Ehsaas Kafalat Center or by going to the website for the Ehsaas Kafalat Program. To finish the application process, applicants will need to give their CNIC number and any other important information.

Follow these steps to get cash from an HBL ATM in Ehsaas Kafalat:

  • Find the HBL ATM closest to you. The HBL ATM tracker can be used on their website or their mobile app.
  • Put your Ehsaas Kafalat bank card into the ATM.
  • Choose the language you want to use.
  • Type in your four-digit identification number. (PIN).
  • Choose “Cash Withdrawal” from the list.
  • Choose “Current” or “Savings” for the type of account.
  • Type in the amount you want to take out.
  • Check the details of the deal on the screen.
  • Wait for the cash to come out of the ATM.
  • Get your money and your proof.

It’s important to remember that you can only withdraw up to the Ehsaas Kafalat program’s highest limit, which is currently PKR 12,000 per quarter. Also, using HBL ATMs to get cash from Ehsaas Kafalat doesn’t cost anything.

How to withdraw Ehsaas Kafalat Cash from HBL ATM step by step guide

How to withdraw Ehsaas Kafalat Cash from HBL ATM step by step guide

How to withdraw Ehsaas Kafalat Cash from HBL ATM step by step guide

How to withdraw Ehsaas Kafalat Cash from HBL ATM step by step guide

How to withdraw Ehsaas Kafalat Cash from HBL ATM step by step guide

How to withdraw Ehsaas Kafalat Cash from HBL ATM step by step guide

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