How to Earn Money Online From FebSpot – Febspot Se paise kaise kamaye – febspot earning

Earn Money Online From FebSpot

Video-sharing site presented its strategy to monetize videos and divide the earnings with artists and business.
Sign up today and start receiving more views on your videos and drive growth quickly, create income by producing video-content.
Boost your earnings via videos
Video-sharing site presented its strategy to monetize videos and divide the earnings with producers. Create your channels and get even more known throughout the globe.




By making an account, watching videos, paying for advertising, installing our software, or otherwise accessing or using our Services, you acknowledge this Agreement and agree to deal with us electronically.



If you are an entity other than a natural person, the person who registers the account or otherwise uses our Services must have the power to bind the entity. In this sense, “you” denotes both the entity and any individual who is permitted to use the account.


Registration: You may establish an account to access some services we provide (e.g., uploading or live streaming movies) (e.g., uploading or live streaming videos). To do so, you must give an email address. By establishing an account, you agree to receive messages from Febspot at this email address.

Organizational Accounts: Corporate, governmental, and other organisational users must publicly publish the legal name of their entity on their public account profile. If you are a government entity in the U.S., our Government Entity Addendum applies.

Content Restrictions

You may not post any material that:

Infringes any third party’s copyrights or other rights (e.g., trademark, privacy rights, etc.);
Is sexually explicit or advertises a sexual service;
Adult porno service, kid porno usage;
Is defamatory;
Is annoying or abusive;
Contains hateful or discriminatory statements;
Promotes or supports terror or hate groups;
Contains instructions on how to manufacture explosive/incendiary devices or homemade/improvised guns;
Exploits or endangers kids;
Depicts or promotes self-harm or suicide

Your Video Content

By uploading or posting a video, you allow Febspot permission to:

Stream the video to end consumers;
Embed the video on third-party websites;
Distribute the video using our APIs;
Make the footage accessible for public viewing;
Monetize your video;
Video Ad Serving Template;

Febspot Create Content

You may submit specific material to us for the purpose of generating a video using Febspot Create. These contributions, including the produced films, are regulated by our Febspot Create Addendum.

Account Profile

You allow Febspot permission to use your name, likeness, biography, trademarks, logos, or other identifiers used by you in your account profile for the purpose of exhibiting such assets to the public or the audiences you have designated. You may cancel the above authorization by deactivating your account. Febspot shall have the right to identify public profiles in its marketing and investment materials.

If you have activated a video privacy option or restricted downloading or embedding, we shall limit distribution of your video conform to your choices. By authorising access to your video to any third party, you give each such person permission to watch (and/or download or embed, as applicable) your video. For the purposes of this Section 6.1, your video includes its title, description, tags, and other information.



The licence period begins when you submit the video to Febspot and ends when you or Febspot delete it; provided that Febspot may retain archival copies: (a) for a limited period of time in case you wish to restore it; (b) when the video is the subject of a takedown notice or other legal claim; or (c) when Febspot in good faith believes that it is legally obligated to do so.

Accessibility and Ratings

We give ways to enable you to integrate closed captioning in your videos. If required by relevant legislation, you must include closed captioning in your videos.

We may enable you to filter videos depending upon their user-defined content rating. We cannot guarantee that videos will be correctly rated by others. You must grade your videos accordingly.


Earn money from adverts in your videos.We don’t pay for views, we monetize ADS in your movies.
We pay solely for advertising activity in your films, if an advertising banner is visible in your movies.
Now you may monetise any traffic, including guest traffic, all clicks from all sources and channels are taken into account. It is not essential to be your subscriber, etc. We take into consideration every advertising activities.
Monetization data are updated once a day at 00:00, that’s when we get reports from advertisers and review your videos.
We pay for referrals $0,02 each to encourage registration.

Payments withdraw money

  • USDT (1 day)
  • PayPal (4 days)
  • VISA/MasterCard (10 days)
  • Bank account (14 days)

How to boost the revenue of my channel?
Follow most people and they follow you.
Add several informative videos every day
Share with friends on social networks, instant messengers a link to the video
Invite to subscribe to your channel with a referral link
Leave valuable comments to other members
Create fascinating video content



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